Births Deaths & Marriages (Original Vital Records)
Most governments keep records of births, deaths & marriages. These are known as original “vital records”. They are usually the most reliable source of information and are a must to build your Family Tree. These records contain vital information to help you link your Family History. They are considered as your primary source of information because they contain all the information you need regarding your Ancestor. These records are usually highly accurate because they are legislated by Governments and the information is recorded close to the actual event. Governments have the responsibility to ensure accuracy and that all vital records are recorded at a timely and correct standardized form within the geographical area.
Vital records are official documents and are kept at the local government office. Older records are archived. The good news is that most Western countries began keeping vital records at a National level in the 19th century. Any vital records beyond that time can be found at parish churches and local registers.
Please note: in the
When researching these sources be aware that in the 19th century many vital records were not recorded. Many people refused to register and some communities were isolated. As time went on, compliance has become almost 100%.
These vital records contain valuable information such as name, gender, place of birth, mother’s maiden name, Father’s name, race, occupation and so on. So you see, vital records are an important part of your research. They provide reliable, accurate information that will establish the correct line of ancestors.
You get vital records from your government authority that deals with vital records. Most are available on the internet for purchase.
Nick Grbin is Web Master of Genealogy 4 Beginners
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